Business Sweden
Business Sweden helps global companies to establish business and research activities in Sweden. We provide advice, information and support free of charge and in full confidentiality. Our industry experts can connect you with the right business and investment opportunities, being the best partner when investing in Sweden.
Hampus Nilzen
Senior Investment AdvisorCB UdeC- DiagnoChrome
DiagnoChrome is a spin-off company of the Biotechnology Center at the Universidad de Concepcion, Chile. La company develops kits for the diagnostics of plant pathogens, being our first kit the detection of Botrytis cinerea in bluberries.
Dr rer Nat Sofia Valenzuela
Professor- Deputy DirectorCeBiB
The Center for Biotechnology and Bioengineering is created in 2014, after being selected by the Research Partnership Program of CONICYT to be part of the national program for Basal Funding for Excellence Scientific and Technological Centers.
CeBiB is a Centre of Excellence in cutting-edge research composed by an interdisciplinarian team of renowned national and international scientits, capable of investigating key aspects and current trens in biotechnology and bioengineering, including the research for important applications for industry.
One of the main goals of CeBiB is the research and development of applications to be used in areas where Chile has significant comparative advantages, looking for these areas always in line with the interests of the industry and the needs of the public and private sectors, to increase the competitiveness of the national economy based on scientific and technological innovation.
CeBiB is composed by researchers and academics leaders in their fields from Chilean universities: Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Antofagasta, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Universidad de La Frontera and Universidad de Los Lagos.
MarĂa Isabel Guerra

Chinese University of Hong Kong
As one of the top universities in Asia-Pacific, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to knowledge transfer and seeks to foster partnerships to commercialise our university’s technologies in the best way to benefit both industry and society. In this regard, CUHK is continuously looking for potential partners/licensees in our below areas of biomedical technologies:
(1) Therapeutics: Digestive Cancer / Diabetes / Liver Cancer / Neurological Disorders / Orthopaedic and Traumatological Disorders / Pluripotent Stem Cells (see https://goo.gl/Ozm5Gz)
(2) Diagnostics: Cardiovascular Disorders / Digestive Cancers / Diabetes & its Comorbidities / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Orthopaedic & Traumatological Disorders / Wearables (see https://goo.gl/gcbdLF)
(3) Robotics: Surgical Robots / Endoscopes for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Diagnostic Purposes (see https://goo.gl/TrQSrz)