Benjamin Brand
Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency, otherwise known as KOTRA, operates under South Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE), as the national trade and investment promotion organization. KOTRA is a governmental, non-profit agency which promotes and facilitates bilateral business relationships between Korea and the world since its foundation in 1962.
Since inception, KOTRA has facilitated Korea's rapid, export-led economic development through various trade promotion activities such as SME export promotion, trade info services, government-to-government export, foreign investment in Korea (FDI) promotion, and business matchmaking. KOTRA maintains over 120 offices in 82 countries with 13 in South Korea alone.
I am currently co-leading North America's Startup GP program. A collaboration project between KOTRA's Global Partnering and Overseas Startup Assistance Program. This effort is a part of Korean President Park Geun-hye's "Creative Economy" policy designed to help promising Korean startups connect with leading Corporate Venture Capital firms in the US for potential partnership and investment opportunities.
Lastly, I am the Head of Medical GP. Connect US based Medical and Pharmaceutical companies with Korean counterparts and implement R&D projects, which are co-funded by the Korean government, and I.P. licensing.

Lu Chen
Under the “China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED)” agreement, the U.S.- China Health Summit was inaugurated at Harvard University in September 2011 and has been alternately hosted by China and the United States. Over the past five years, policymakers, academic experts, and business leaders who have a keen interest in the rapidly transforming global health sector have all benefited tremendously from these direct dialogues and discussions. The Summit has been endorsed by the U.S. Department of Human and Health Services, the China Commission of Health and Family Planning, Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health, Tsinghua University School of Public Policy & Management, and Peking Union Medical College.
In addition to the annual Summit, the UCHS also hold innovation centered events including Innovation competition, workshops and meetups, to assist health innovators in developing solutions for unmet medical needs in the global health ecosystem.
US-China Health Summit
Program Manager
Dr. Ken YC Chow
As one of the top universities in Asia-Pacific, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to knowledge transfer and seeks to foster partnerships to commercialise our university’s technologies in the best way to benefit both industry and society. In this regard, CUHK is continuously looking for potential partners/licensees in our below areas of biomedical technologies:
(1) Therapeutics: Digestive Cancer / Diabetes / Liver Cancer / Neurological Disorders / Orthopaedic and Traumatological Disorders / Pluripotent Stem Cells (see https://goo.gl/Ozm5Gz)
(2) Diagnostics: Cardiovascular Disorders / Digestive Cancers / Diabetes & its Comorbidities / Gynecology and Obstetrics / Orthopaedic & Traumatological Disorders / Wearables (see https://goo.gl/gcbdLF)
(3) Robotics: Surgical Robots / Endoscopes for Minimally Invasive Surgery and Diagnostic Purposes (see https://goo.gl/TrQSrz)

Chinese University of Hong Kong
Technology Liaison OfficerGail Garland
OBIO, a not-for-profit, membership-based organization engaged in the development of and integrated health innovation economy for Ontario that will become a leader in providing health technology to the internatoinal marketplace. A key initiative is the OBIO Capital Access Advisory Programs (CAAP). Led by OBIO and a North American Steering Committee including senior venture capitalists and seasoned entrepreneurs from MedImmune Ventures, Johns Hopkins, J&J, Genesys Capital, Lumira Capital, BDC Capital and Versant Ventures, we work with high-potential CAAP companies including those devloping therapeutics, med device, diagnostics and HIT products and services.
Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO)
CEOZhaotao Gong
US China Innovation Alliance is a non-profit 501c3 tax-exempt corporation that aims to provide a platform to promote exchange and collaboration in innovation between China and U.S. UCIA organizes annual US China Innovation and Investment Summit (UCIS) with 3 missions: 1) facilitate collaboration among venture capitals, accelerators and incubators from both countries, 2) help Chinese investors reach and invest in the latest technologies and products in U.S and 3) help U.S. technology startups find capital and partners from China, as well as enter China market. UCIA also organizes U.S. technology company roadshow in China and US China business plan competition and other activities to help US technology companies connect with China resources.
Find INVESTOR for your HEALTHCARE STARTUP- Join our 2016 healthcare roadshow to raise fund, find partnerships in licensing, clinical trial, manufacturing,or marketing! For Details - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B8vXixB-4G48bldwalJnWkFfblU For Registration - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ucia-healthcare-technology-roadshow-in-china-tickets-27080151462?aff=eandprexshre&ref=eandprexshre